Mixed Media + Textile Artist Critique with Oami Powers

VAE invites area educators and art professionals to do short individual critiques of your work.

The next critique is with guest critic, Oami Powers on Tuesday February 20th from 7-8:30pm at VAE Raleigh. 

Oami Powers is a designer and artist raised in California & New Zealand who now calls Raleigh, NC home. Her clothing designs have been sold in boutiques across the country and been featured in InStyle, Southern Living, the News & Observer and the IndyWeek. She now creates art in a variety of media and works with the design innovators and creative troublemakers over at Designbox.

PS! Oami is the designer behind Brandon's infamous gala suits! 

- The critique session is for Mixed Media and Textile artists. 

- Each artist may bring one piece - completed or in progress - to be critiqued.

- Each artist will have an equal amount of time to present work and receive feedback.

- The registration is $5, which will go to our guest critic for their time and knowledge.

- Space is limited to 12 participants. 

Source: https://visualartexchange.wufoo.com/forms/...