No Citation Needed
January 15 - March 23
National Humanities Center
7 TW Alexander Dr.
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
In the second partnership between VAE and the National Humanities Center, NHC questioned VAE on building a show that envelops the concept of “transference of knowledge”. That question took over a weekly staff meeting and lead to a long discussion on what does that mean, what does that look like, and how is that implemented. As a staff, VAE has backgrounds in traditional education through teaching in public schools and universities, professional facilitation, and then our own experiences in secondary education. That conversation went in an array of directions from that obvious first thought of traditional education to those experiences that not only teach but shape one, such as standing next to a mother or grandparent as the cook. Does the concept of teaching, learning, and passing down knowledge change when its outside of a system? What if that system is broken for a certain group? How can or do people and communities respond when they find that system lacking or possibly not there? That spectrum of possibilities for teaching, learning, and passing on knowledge is what we asked artists to try to represent through their own practices or experiences.
Jessica Burke
Charlotte, NC
Melinda Fine
Raleigh, NC
Rene Galvan
Boston, MA
Denise Holland
Vancouver, British Columbia
Bridget Leslie
Durham, North Carolina
New York, New York
Cara Smelter
Raleigh, NC